Wind Power as Sustainable Home Energy

April 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Wind Energy

When it comes to green home energy, wind power is a natural, renewable source that can be generated for daily home use. This is more environmentally friendly and can save more costs than just purchasing green energy from a utility company.

Most wind power is mass produced on wind farms comprising a number of giant turbines with very long arms. When the wind hits the turbines, it turns the arms, which generates electricity that can be gathered and transferred to consumers. The next best thing to creating your own self sustaining green power is purchasing it. Contact your local utilities to find out what kind of green renewable energy sources there are in your area and if wind power can be transferred and purchased for home use.

It is also possible to be energy independent by setting up a mini wind turbine for personal use on your property. This way there is no need to purchase anything from a company. A residential scale turbine is much smaller, but is powerful enough to provide at least some of a home’s total energy needs, if not all. The arms are still shaped like propellers, but are only around 15 feet in diameter. Elevated up to 100 feet above the ground, they can generate ample power. The energy generated by wind turbines is completely clean and free of greenhouse gases, and can be used on site to power homes, small businesses, or farms.

Whether you use wind power generated by a wind farm and pay the utility company or generate wind power on your own land for personal use, wind power offers some flexible benefits. You can combine off grid and on grid usage to cover periods of time when there isn’t enough wind to meet home energy requirements. You still use much less electricity and save money on energy bills, because you only purchase supplemental power from the utility company when you need it. When wind is strong, only wind energy is used. Areas that are particularly windy might rarely use the power grid even though it is available.

Another benefit of wind energy supplemented with a grid connection is the potential to make a profit with excess energy. Many utility companies allow consumers with wind energy and a grid connection to sell extra back to them if more is produced than is needed.

If you are thinking about purchasing a mini wind turbine for residential use, there are a few things to consider. Does the wind blow often enough to generate a lot of power? Does your land contain open space to allow wind to hit your turbine at full speed? If your answer to both of these questions is no, there are even smaller turbines that can power small farms or power accessories for boats. These come with backup battery power so that power can be produced even when wind is minimal.

Wind power is definitely becoming more popular, and has become widespread in the past decade. People everywhere are getting used to wind farms with giant turbines dotting the landscape. It will continue to grow and expand as long as the trend to go green continues, because it is 100% clean, renewable, and abundant enough that we will never run out.